Condomania 2017

That’s right-we went there. Because sexual health and reproductive freedom is important! And besides, everyone loves a safe-sex fashion show.

CONDOMANIA was an amazing party, public awareness event, and fundraiser for The Little Blue House. The event featured models presenting original fashions made out of condoms! Guests also enjoyed a wine pull, silent auction, and yummy buffet. We also had guests come in costume themselves!

Through Condomania we tell our community that:
• Sexual health is an important part of overall health
• Sexual health can be discussed and promoted
• Our community will not be bullied into silence and shame around universal issues of sexuality and reproductive health.

We hope you will join us next time for some fashion, food, and frivolity featuring condoms as wearable art!

If you are interested in being a designer for our next event, please email Linda Davis.