WHEN: Saturday, October 20, 2018/6-8:30pm
WHERE: East Side Christian Church/1438 S. Indianapolis
WHAT: Dinner and Silent Auction
WEAR: Festive Cocktail attire in your favorite shade of blue.
We will have dinner catered by Keo, a silent auction, a sweet dessert dash, and a cash bar available.
Click here to purchase tickets or a table!
Click here to download the table or sponsorship form.
Powder Blue: $300
One table for eight guests.
Sapphire Blue: $500
One table for eight + eight drink tickets, recognition at event, and on pre-event materials including the LBH website, social media, and email blasts.
Royal Blue: $1,000
One table for eight + 16 drink tickets, recognition at event, and on pre-event materials including the LBH website, social media, and email blasts.
Individual tickets: $40.
If you are interesting in helping event plan, or donating an item for the silent auction please email linda-davis@utulsa.edu.
What’s a dessert dash, you ask? It’s where your table goes in to donate the most money for the Blue House and the table with the most cash gets to choose it’s dessert first, then the next highest donating table, so on and so forth. Sound so yummy?! Feast your eyes on this: